
Clean Water Painting Practice

Clean Water Painting Practice

In 2024, after a year of dumping acrylic paint solids down the drain, I got serious about starting a clean water practice. This practice aims to remove the solid paint particles...

Clean Water Painting Practice

In 2024, after a year of dumping acrylic paint solids down the drain, I got serious about starting a clean water practice. This practice aims to remove the solid paint particles...

Software tools that I use to run my art practice

Software tools that I use to run my art practice

If getting your art practice more organized is one of your goals, you should know there’s a free suite of software tools that can help you with this!

Software tools that I use to run my art practice

If getting your art practice more organized is one of your goals, you should know there’s a free suite of software tools that can help you with this!

A hand rolling a brayer across a painting

Mounting paper pieces onto wood panel

This post documents a cool process that is helping me make larger paper pieces available for others to purchase and hang.

Mounting paper pieces onto wood panel

This post documents a cool process that is helping me make larger paper pieces available for others to purchase and hang.

Mona Lisa Underdrive: paper pointillism, resolution, and scale

Mona Lisa Underdrive: paper pointillism, resolu...

I want to share about my first art project that I conceived of and played with when I started my art practice in the summer of 2023, one that dealt...

Mona Lisa Underdrive: paper pointillism, resolu...

I want to share about my first art project that I conceived of and played with when I started my art practice in the summer of 2023, one that dealt...